Welcome to Midwest Moose Antlers!

Our story

We have always been lovers of nature and animals. Spring is always an exciting time for us as we anticipate getting to go out and find antler treasures of all sizes. Deer naturally drop their antlers every winter, leaving them to be found when the snow melts.

Over time we found ourselves wanting bigger antlers. Living in Wisconsin, the opportunities for moose antlers are slim at best. We bought our first moose antler shed, and from there we never looked back. We fell in love with the beauty and uniqueness of each antler. Our dream was to have some of the biggest moose antlers Alaska has to offer. Our antlers are not just for collectors, we love utilizing this amazing resource whether its for your pet, jewelry, décor, or artwork. We carry all sizes of moose antler, so rest assured we have something for everyone.

We hope you can enjoy these Alaskan moose antlers as much as we do.

-Bri and Trevor